What context is this in?  Are you using anything like Embperl, Mason, etc. that
might buffer the entire output in order to find the content-length?

Any difference if you change it to print() instead of $r->print(), or if you
break it into lines and print each line?

Actually, I bet that last trick might work.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Loehr) wrote:
>Ken Williams wrote:
>> Are you sure it's waiting?  You might try debug timestamps before &
>> after the $r->print().  You might also be interested in the send_fd()
>> method if the data are in a file.
>Fairly certain it's waiting there.  I cut my debug timestamps out for
>ease on your eyes in my earlier post, but here's one output (of many
>like it) when I had the print sandwiched...
>Thu Feb 10 14:41:59.053 2000 [v1.3.7.1 2227:1 ed:1]  INFO : Sending
>120453 bytes to client...
>Thu Feb 10 14:42:14.463 2000 [v1.3.7.1 2227:1 ed:1]  INFO : Send of
>120453 bytes completed.
>Re send_fd(), it's all dynamically generated data, so that's not an
>Other clues?
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Loehr) wrote:
>> >Any ideas on why would this output statement takes 15-20 seconds to
>> >send a 120kb page to a browser on the same host?
>> >
>> >    $| = 1;  # Don't buffer anything...send it asap...
>> >    $r->print( $data );
>> >
>> >modperl 1.21, apache/modssl 1.3.9-2.4.9...lightly loaded Linux (RH6.1)
>> >Dual PIII 450Mhz with local netscape 4.7 client...

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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