No the ssi_filter.ssi example does not work. And I tried preloading
Apache::ASP and Apache::SSI but not Apache::Filter I downloaded the l
I'm reinstalling right now, so I'll let you know.



On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:

> > 
> > Here is my statement:
> > 
> > <Files ~ (\.phtml)>
> >         SetHandler perl-script
> >         PerlHandler Apache::ASP Apache::SSI
> >         PerlSetVar NoCache 1
> >         PerlSetVar Global /tmp/
> >         PerlSetVar Filter On
> >         PerlSetVar Dynamic Includes 0
> >         PerlSetVar StateDB DB_File
> >         PerlSetVar GlobalPackage main
> >         PerlSetVar Debug
> >         PerlSetVar UseStrict 1
> > <Files>
> > 
> > And in error_log I get the message
> > [date..] [err]r Can't locate object method "filter_input" via package
> > "Apache" at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/Apache/ line 28
> > 
> Your config looks fine.  Apache::Filter when loaded should
> define the filter_input method.  Try preloading Apache::Filter 
> with "PerlModule Apache::Filter" in your httpd.conf, and perhaps
> also try preloading Apache::ASP.  Apache::ASP should load
> Apache::Filter automatically in this case, so your results
> seem odd.
> Question, does the ./site/eg/ssi_filter.ssi example work
> for you?  Then we probably just have a config problem here.
> -- Joshua
> _________________________________________________________________
> Joshua Chamas                         Chamas Enterprises Inc.
> NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring Huntington Beach, CA  USA 
>                1-714-625-4051

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