 I have an access handler that uses $r->headers_out->add to add a set-cookie


 If i try to access this in my ContentHandler, actually HTML::Mason, i find
a strange problem: Calling $r->content_type wipes out the header!

>From the handler.pl:

 sub handler
    my ($r) = @_;

    $r->headers_out->do(sub { my ($k,$v) = @_; $r->log_error("OUT: $k=>$v"); 1; });

    return -1 if -e $r->finfo && $r->content_type && $r->content_type !~ m|^text/|i;
    $r->headers_out->do(sub { my ($k,$v) = @_; $r->log_error("OUT: $k=>$v"); 1; });
 .... snip ....


 The first do call works fine returning something like this:

        [Thu Feb 10 12:11:47 2000] [error] OUT: Set-cookie=>MF_Session=14&950202707; 
domain=.mathforum.com; path=/

 The second returns nothing at all.

 Commenting out the content-type line fixes the problem... However, I like
that line and want it to stay!!!

  Confused in Swarthmore, aka Aaron

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