(I knew i did since i compiled with EVERYTHING=1).

All handlers lists  as Enabled when this script is run.

So ... whats the next step in debugging here?

Brendan W. McAdams                    |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmer/Systems Administrator  | office: (305)377-2880
Plexus InterActive                            | pager:  (305)277-4879
http://www.plexmedia.com               | cell phone: (305)401-7313

"Always listen to the experts - they'll tell you what can't be done and why.
Then do it."
    -Robert A. Heinlein
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean Chittenden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Brendan W. McAdams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2000 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: PerlChildInitHandler

Check to make sure that you compiled in the Init and Exit handlers
into mod_perl.

If you include the following code in a script, you should be able
to figure this out really quick:

    require mod_perl;
    require mod_perl_hooks;
    my @retval = qw(<table>);
    my @list = mod_perl::hooks();
    for my $hook (sort @list) {
        my $on_off =
          mod_perl::hook($hook) ? "<b>Enabled</b>" : "<i>Disabled</i>";
        push @retval, "<tr><td>$hook</td><td>$on_off</td></tr>\n";
    push @retval, qw(</table>);

    print @retval;

Credit goes to Doug MacEachern on the code.  Stick that chunket of
code in a script and it should let you know what you have available and
what you don't.  ;)  --SC

On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Brendan W. McAdams wrote:

> Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 12:02:45 -0500
> From: Brendan W. McAdams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: PerlChildInitHandler
> I'm having trouble getting apache to even recognise the existance of
> PerlChildInitHandler ( and childexithandler it seems as well) .
> I've tried declaring my PerlChildInitHandler inside a VirtualHost, in the
> main body of the config, and as a push_handler in my startup file [which
> i know for a fact, being execed].
> no matter what I try, apache is compeltely ignoring this directive.
> I've put write to log when initialised traps in the modules that are being
> handled on init and they never trip.
> I've tried this with both Apache 1.39/modperl1.19 and Apache
> 1.311/modperl1.21 and no luck
> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> Brendan
> -----
> Brendan W. McAdams                    |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Programmer/Systems Administrator  | office: (305)377-2880
> Plexus InterActive                            | pager:  (305)277-4879
> http://www.plexmedia.com               | cell phone: (305)401-7313
> "Always listen to the experts - they'll tell you what can't be done and
> Then do it."
>     -Robert A. Heinlein

Sean Chittenden

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