Hi guys, I'm new to using Embperl and ran into a configuration  
problem which
I don't know how to fix. I really appreciate it if you could point  
me to the right
direction :)

Here's the setup: I've Apache 1.39 statically compiled with modperl 1.21
and Embperl 1.2.1.  I have some pure perl files (.pl) in directory  
and embperl files (.ehtml) in /, so the configuration looks something like
Alias /cgi-bin/ "/abc/cgi-bin/"
<Location /cgi-bin>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::Registry
        Options ExecCGI
        PerlSendHeader On
<Location />
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler HTML::Embperl
        PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_FILESMATCH "\.ehtml"
        Options ExecCGI

Here's the problem: this setup works fine for my embperl pages, but the
perl files (*.pl)  in /cgi-bin fail to run and return as text files  
to the web browser.
If I comment out the embperl section (comment out the whole <Location />)
then the perl files in /cgi-bin work fine. What am I doing wrong?
Comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,


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