On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Ken Kosierowski wrote:

> What is the best way to compile the new Perl 5.6.0 with Modperl 1.22?

same way you compile 5.005 with mod_perl
> Should I use the 5.005 compatible flags or start from scratch and recompile
> the modules I use?

you don't need the 5.005 compat flags to build mod_perl-1.22

> Are there performance issues using the 5.005 compat mode?

not sure, doubt it though.

> What about malloc and malloc flags -- same as what the Guide recommends?

i the guide recommendations (TWO_POT_OPTIMIZE, etc) are the default since
5.005.  i think linux still defaults to system malloc, you might want to
configure Perl with  -Dusemymalloc

> What about issues with the upcoming Apache 2.0 and modperl 2.0?

mod_perl-2.0 will be underway soon.

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