On Mar 29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] hacked the bitstream to say...
Joshua> Joel Reed wrote:
Joshua> > 
Joshua> > this may be a dumb patch to Apache::ASP (at least it is my first).
Joshua> > 
Joshua> > Rationale:
Joshua> > 
Joshua> > i have the following issues with the current implementation of $Application
Joshua> > 
Joshua> >         1. everything you store in $Application->{foo} must be
Joshua> >         serializable my MLDBM. (right?) i have SWIG'd c++ classes for
Joshua> >         which this will not work.
Joshua> > 
Joshua> >         2. limitation #1 seems to limit Apache:ASP's usefulness as a
Joshua> >         cross-platform solution to ActivePerl/IIS/ASP scripts you
Joshua> >         want to move to linux, etc. i want to do this - not sure if
Joshua> >         this is really a key thing for joshua though...
Joshua> > ...
Joshua> What you are talking about is just a global that you access
Joshua> in your scripts.  You could declare this in your global.asa
Joshua> with 
Joshua>   use vars qw($Application2);
Joshua> Then just use it like $Application2->{key} = $value;
Joshua> I use this kind of in process data caching all the time,
Joshua> and you will see that Apache::DBI does something similar.

only then i don't have API consistency from NT/iis/asp... maybe
this is a unreasonable goal of mine... :(

Joshua> What you don't get here is interprocess communication
Joshua> which is what the use of $Application is geared for, that
Joshua> the data is stored is some process neutral location, so
Joshua> web requests may access the data independent of the httpd 
Joshua> process they are coming from.

yes this is the killer with making my stuff work for both iis/asp & modperl.
do you have any suggestions for an api consistent solution? maybe i could
hack up something where $Application data was obtainable thru IPC? the
killer is the serialization requirement as i'm dealing with perl encapsulated
c++ objects... 

thanks for your feedback,

Joel W. Reed                              http://ruby.ddiworld.com/jreed
---------------A few cans short of a six pack, Six short.---------------

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