On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, shang wrote:

> Hi,  
> I have some problem loading ApacheModulePerl.dll into Apache server 
> I installed in Windows 98.  All the other *.dll in c:\apache\modules can
> be loaded but not this one.  The following is the error message when I
> typed 'apache -s' :
> (The line 188 actually contains the 
> 'LoadModule perl_module modules/ApacheModulePerl.dll' )
> Syntax error on line 188 of c:/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
> Cannot load c:/apache/modules/ApacheModulePerl.dll into server:

    Does Perl work OK otherwise? For example, does 'perl -v'
print out the version number? Does your PATH contain the
perl binary? Was the apache, perl, and mod_perl distributions
(including ApacheModulePerl.dll) compiled with the same
compiler? In particular, was ApacheModulePerl.dll compiled
with the same version of Apache that you're now using?

best regards,
Randy Kobes

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