The ORACLE_HOME ___environment___ variable is set where? I see no indication
of it being set in any of your examples or config.

I do see PerlSetVar setting it-- don't confuse that with the environment!
PerlSetVar is a specific way to set variables so mod_perl can read them via
the dir_config() method. 

I usually set my ORACLE_HOME inside my so all the Apache children
can definitely find it:


You might also be able to use Apache's SetEnv directive, see the following
URL for details and possible restrictions:

And finally, you should double check your case in your DSN during your
connect(). Oracle SIDs might be case sensitive and thus not finding the
proper SID. (I always have SIDs that are all capital letters, so I couldn't
tell you for sure.)

Hope this helps.


  Jerome MOUREAUX said...

 > Hi All,
 > I experience a trouble with Perl script using DBI running under Mod_perl 
 > and Registry
 > If you have an idea from where the problem may come....
 > Here is the error :
 > DBI->connect failed: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name (DBD: 
 > login f
 > ailed) at /disc1/sherpa_a/indicators2/perl/activity/ line 5
 > [Wed Mar 29 20:11:32 2000] [error] ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service 
 > name
 >   (DBD: login failed) at /disc1/sherpa_a/indicators2/perl/activity/ 
 > line 5
 > The ORACLE_HOME is well set ! I first tried to use Apache::DBI but i get 
 > this error
 > so I go back to DBI only but it's exactly the same error.
 > My scripts run well if I launch it from the command line.
 > Here is extracts of my httpd.conf
 >      # Additionnal directory (for indicators)
 >      Alias /indicators2/perl "/disc1/sherpa_a/indicators2/perl"
 >      <Location /indicators2/perl>
 >          SetHandler      perl-script
 >          PerlHandler     Apache::Registry
 >          PerlSendHeader  On
 >          Options         +ExecCGI
 >      </Location>
 > at the end:
 > PerlSetEnv      ORACLE_HOME     /disc1/sherpa/oracle
 > PerlRequire             conf/
 > PerlFreshRestart        On
 > Here is the
 > #!/usr/bin/perl
 > # Commonly used modules
 > use Apache::Registry ();
 > use Apache::Constants ();
 > use CGI ();
 > #use Apache::DBI ();
 > #$Apache::DBI::DEBUG=2;
 > #Apache::DBI->connect_on_init("dbi:Oracle:indicators", "indic", "xxxx",
 >   { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0 } )
 >   or die $DBI::errstr;
 > 1;
 > And finally my test file:
 > #!/usr/bin/perl
 > use DBI;
 > my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'DBI:Oracle:INDICATORS', 'indic', xxxx',
 >      { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 1 } )
 >      or die $DBI::errstr;
 > $dbh->disconnect;
 > Thanks in advance
 > Jerome

David S. Kenzik

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