On Thu, 30 Mar 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use Apache::Session::DBI. I got the hang of it and 
> started using it but I get the following error:
> [Thu Mar 30 04:41:41 2000] [error] Can't call method "store" on 
> unblessed reference at lib/web/webmaster.p
> l line 54.
> Now, lines 49-54 on lib/web/webmaster.pl look like this (I added line 
> numbers):
> 49 sub carry_on {
> 50 my $htdocs_dir = $SETUP::htdocs_dir;
> 51 my $p = $$query->param('p'); #which page user selected
> 52 my $do = $$query->param('do'); #which page user selected
> 53 $session->{'already_reged'} = 1; #so user can't submit this form 
> ever again!
> 54 $session->store();
> ...
> }

Looks like you are using an ancient version of Apache::Session.  I
recommend upgrading to 1.0x.  Even I don't remember how to use the old
0.1x version.


> Alot of other stuff come after this but it doesn't really matter :)
> Anyway, there's another routine, called main, that creates a session 
> and then calls carry_on. Here's the routine with the two lines that 
> come before it:
> package WEBMASTER;
> use strict;
> sub main {
> use vars qw($query $sid $session %session); #making these variables 
> global
> local $query = \$MAIN::query;
> local ($sid,$session,%session); #session stuff
> my ($rc,$adv); #recommender, advertiser
> if (!$$query->param('sid'))
>       {
>       #make a fresh session for a first-time visitor
>       my $opts = {    'subclass-specific' => 'option overrides',      'autocommit' 
> => '0', 'lifetime' => $SETUP::default_session_timeout};
>       $session = Apache::Session::DBI->new($opts);
>       tie %session, 'Apache::Session::DBI', undef;
>       #define variables
>       $sid = $session->{'_ID'};
>       $rc = $$query->param('rc'); #recommender
>       $adv = $$query->param('adv'); #advertiser
>       #add to object
>       $session->{'rc'} = $$query->param('rc');
>       $session->{'adv'} = $$query->param('adv');
>       $session->store();
>       }
> else
>       {
>       #get the session data for a returned visitor
>       $sid = $$query->param('sid');
>       $session = Apache::Session::DBI->open($sid);
>       tie %session, 'Apache::Session::DBI', $sid;
>       #checking if session has timed-out
>       $rc = $session->{'rc'}; #recommender
>       $adv = $session->{'adv'}; #advertiser
>       }
> &carry_on();
> }
> Well, this is about all of it. :)
> If I take off those two lines everything is working fine and the 
> sessions is added to the database.
> Here's the complete error message from the error_log:
> Session manager opening persistent connection at 
> /usr/local/lib/site_perl/Apache/Session/DBI.pm line 40.
>         Apache::Session::DBI::init_connection() called at 
> /usr/local/lib/site_perl/Apache/Session/DBI.pm l
> ine 206
>         Apache::Session::DBI::fetch('Apache::Session::DBI', 
> '351d62cfe6f5895f') called at /usr/local/lib/s
> ite_perl/Apache/Session.pm line 61
>         Apache::Session::open('Apache::Session::DBI', 
> '351d62cfe6f5895f') called at lib/web/webmaster.pl l
> ine 40
>         WEBMASTER::main called at (eval 34) line 88
>         Apache::ROOT::index_2epl::handler('Apache=SCALAR(0x82c6c78)') 
> called at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/A
> pache/Registry.pm line 135
>         eval {...} called at 
> /usr/local/lib/site_perl/Apache/Registry.pm line 135
>         Apache::Registry::handler('Apache=SCALAR(0x82c6c78)') called 
> at lib/web/printing.pl line 0
>         eval {...} called at lib/web/printing.pl line 0
> [Thu Mar 30 04:41:41 2000] [error] Can't call method "store" on 
> unblessed reference at lib/web/webmaster.p
> l line 54.

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