On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Jeff D. 'Spud (Zeppelin)' Almeida wrote:

> I'm also of the opinion that it should JUST be mod_perl, and that "smaller
> is better" approach is well-suited to the objectives... after all, who
> needs ANOTHER bloody 20,000 attendee tradeshow? Softbank, et al, make
> plenty of money on the existing ones...

Can have it in my garage if you like :)

> I know someone mentioned having it on the East Coast, but I really believe
> (and keep in mind, I'm on the East Coast myself ATM) that if close-to-half
> the community is in California (labor market statistics I've seen show
> that that may even be an understatement), then by having it on the East
> Coast, all we'd be doing is driving the average-cost-per-attendee up and
> the overall attendance down, especially among rank-and-file developers.

Pah! I seriously think you're underestimating the european contingent,
however the number of europeans that might travel at all to the states,
never mind the west coast, may not justify it. Maybe I should setup a
straw poll on modperl.sergeant.org...


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