Ok, simple question.  How to I modify the URI that gets logged?  I
understand how to write it to a different file and/or to a DBI, I just
want to modify what's written to the standard access log.  

I want the URI set to a file that doesn't exist, but in a format that a
log analyser and I can understand and includes info from various dynamic
pieces I'm setting with Mason.  I'd like to do this for one
'special.html' file.

I've tried:.
#important piece of Apache::addToURI
sub handler {
       my $r=shift;
       return OK if $r->content_type =~/^image/;
       return DECLINED if $r->uri !~/special/;
       return DECLINED; #also tried OK

I want "GET /bubba/gump.html" .. to show up in the usual access_log file
as the URI that was served.  It goes through the handler, so I have
things set up correctly, it's just that the URI isn't changed.  What's

Just to be complete.. or if there's something with the way I'm using
PerlLogHandler with Mason.

<Location /mason>
        PerlRequire     /path/to/handler.pl
        DefaultType     text/html
        SetHandler      perl-script
        PerlHandler     HTML::Mason 
        PerlRequire     /path/to/Apache/addToURI.pm
        PerlLogHandler  Apache::addToURI

Jeff Gleixner
Seinfeldism of the moment :
        Can you be a closet claustrophobic?

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