Hiya :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ime Smits [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 6:57 AM
> Subject: Re: mod_perl weaknesses? help me build a case....
> Just because a lot of errors are openly discussed on the web (it is a
> community built project) it it doesn't mean there are far more bugs in
> Apache::ASP or mod_perl or Apache than in any other closed source product,
> say IIS.

Agreed :) You know how it is when your trying to convince the guys upstairs
to try something new :)

> I never had any problems with CPAN modules. I must say the only
> ones I make heavy use of are the DBI and mySQL modules, which never
> whatsoever. I think that as long as you don't get into very experimental
stuff, you
> won't have any problems.

Ok, good. Like I said, most of the concerns come from the newsgroups and
mailing list posts... we will be using DBI/mySQL and some of the XML stuff
and a template module mostly.

> That's because Perl makes people lazy. If you code by the rules,
> there is no problem. But it ain't a problem create memory leaking code.

That I know :) And yeah, cgi makes us lazy :) But reading through the
caveats for mod_perl it is pretty easy to see that some of these things are
subtle and require a hefty knowledge of perl internal stuff unless your just
gonna "copy-n-pray" :)

> Linux/Apache::ASP I haven't experienced a segfault ever. In the beginning
> there were some initial memory leaks, but that was my own coding proplem,
> not a problem of perl or mod_perl or Apache.

Good to know :) Thanks!

> | 4) There does not seem to be a compatible win32/linux modperl/embedding
> | toolkit. I can use modperl/apache/::ASP under linux, but the same setup
> does
> | not seem stable under win32 - and the activestate ASP perlex stuff does
> not
> | seem completely compatible.
> Can you give me more detail on the incompatibilities?

Well, let me turn that around, has anyone succeeded in getting mod_perl
running well on Apache on win2k?



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