Well as another self-made programmer the idea occurs to me to grab the
modules Crypt::DES or Crypt::IDEA from CPAN might provide either a fix, or
at least insite into possible resolutions.


CN=Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/06/2000 03:02:38 PM

Sent by:  "Martin A. Langhoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent From the mail file of:   Jeff Bulley

To:   mod-perl Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  [OT][General Programming] Key Generator sub

hi list!

    I'm guilty of being a self taught programmer, and so, from time to
time, I find myself asking silly questions. Hope you don't mind too

    [if you do, flame me privately, please ... lets keep my shame
between the two of us]

    ok, what I'm looking for is a poor man's crypt(). And a simple one,
because whatever logic I use, I must reproduce in a limited proprietary
language (Macromedia Director's "Lingo"). Lingo won't allow me to do bit
math, 'xor' nor any sophisticated scheme. Plain math stuff and string

    On the other hand, neither the target audience nor the intended use
is high end. It's just a quick lock to control the spreading of an app
to no more than 100 users.
    I won't be locking nuclear warheads with it :)

    Is there any 'teaching book' example? Maybe a listmember with proper
education can tell me?

--                                                         --
To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion.
--                                                         --
    - Martin Langhoff @ S C I M  Multimedia Technology -
      - http://www.scim.net      | God is real until  -
      - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | declared integer   -

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