On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> I've written a short document on exception handling for the guide, even
> though it's not particularly mod_perl specific, Stas thinks it would be a
> good addition. Take a look at it, and let me know if there is anything you
> would change before it's added:
> http://modperl.sergeant.org/guide/exceptions.html

This is a good tutorial.  You might want to take a look at some exception
code I wrote (ftp://ftp.urth.org/pub/, grab the Exception and StackTrace
tar balls) that lets you declare all your exception types via 'use'
statements.  I think its a bit cleaner than the AUTOLOAD method you
propose as it can catch typos later on.  Plus it lets you create actual
class hierarchies for your exceptions, which could be nice if you want to
create exception classes that do more stuff and then inherit from them.


We await the New Sun

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