
Randy Kobes has been keeping the Win32 mod_perl crowd happy for the last
few months with his compile that is available at:

(the link is on the perl.apche.org home page as well :^) ).

Jeffery Baker has a version as well, but it is not as up to date.

Compiling on the Win98 is not an easy task and unless there is somthing
specific you need to have compiled in I would recommend using one of the

Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but Randy's is compiled with VC 6
and Jeffery's is compiled with VC 5.0, which if you have VC and want to
compile in additional modules you would want to have the same compiler.

I have compiled my own under NT with VC 5.0 and used it on 9x with no
problem.  I have also installed and tested both of the above in the past
and they have worked very well.

Aaron Johnson

Light Software wrote:

> Is it possible to install apache and perl succesfully on windows 98 ?
> I have tried and failed !
> I want to run server-side perl script on apache...
> Is there anyone in this mailing list that has installed apache and perl
> succesfully on windows 98 so that this is possible ?
> Please let me know...
> Please also send a copy of your reply to:
> Greetings
>   Harald
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