On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Devin Ben-Hur wrote:

> $ diff first anchored
> 1c1
> < sub first {
> ---
> > sub anchored {
> 9a10
> >         my $request = join(" ",$method,$uri);
> The only difference between your two benchmark subroutines are their
> names, and that the anchored one also composes your $request variable. 
> Of course anchored will take a little longer -- it has one extra
> statement.

Sorry, it is a Monday.  I attached the right file.

J. J. Horner
Linux, Apache, Perl, Unix, Stronghold
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.knoxlug.org
System has been up: 9 days.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script is used to benchmark various algorithms for checking the log file. 
# It uses the Benchmark module and some sloppy coding.

use Benchmark;

my @internals = 

sub first {
        my $i;
        my @fields = ("","","","","","GET","/","HTTP/1.0","404","");
        my $source = $fields[0];
        $fields[5] =~ s/\"//;
        $fields[7] =~ s/\"//;
        my $method = $fields[5];
        my $uri = $fields[6];
        my $protocol = $fields[7];
        my $status = $fields[$#fields-1];
        for ($i = 0; $i <= $#internals ; $i++) {
                if ($source =~ /$internals[$i]/) {

sub anchored {
        my $i;
        my @fields = ("","","","","","GET","/","HTTP/1.0","404","");
        my $source = $fields[0];
        $fields[5] =~ s/\"//;
        $fields[7] =~ s/\"//;
        my $method = $fields[5];
        my $uri = $fields[6];
        my $protocol = $fields[7];
        my $status = $fields[$#fields-1];
        for ($i = 0; $i <= $#internals ; $i++) {
                if ($source =~ /^$internals[$i]/) {

timethese(5000, { first => 'first()',anchored => 'anchored()',  });

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