Thanks everybody for helping me install 

The Apache Webserver 1.3.9 with mod_Perl 1.21 CGI support for windows 98.

The binary I used was downloaded from: 

perl-win32-bin-0.5.exe  ( about 10 meg )

The problem was that the ApacheModulePerl.dll did not load.

The solution is:

1) remove c:\apache, c:\perl, c:\openssl and unzip/install the distrobution again,
this way you get clean install again

2) copy c:\perl\PerlCRT.lib to c:\perl\5.00503\lib 
   copy c:\perl\PerlCRT.dll to c:\windows\system32

3) set PATH to something like 

4) restart windows

5) now from the prompt you should get some answer to say 'perl -V' or
something similar

6) included configs are OK, you select the one with modperl and change
stuff the way you need it (for testing the server the default should be
ok, I usually change just DocRoot and add few virtual servers)
( make sure all the /apache are replaced with c:/apache )
( make sure all the @@ServerRoot@@ are replaced with c:/apache )

7) create a empty dir c:\apache\logs

8) start it with C:\Apache\Apache.exe (maybe you'll need something like
apache -d c:\apache)

9) you're done

10) enjoy ! :)

Thanks to Robert ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for supplying this fantastic solution !
( I improved it a little bit :) )




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