On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Marshall Dudley wrote:

> We have had banners servers running on 2 different boxes for years under
> mod_perl without any problems.  Recently we moved two banner servers
> onto the same box, each under a different virtual domain.
> Now I cannot get them to run reliably.  It appears that since the
> banners in each are run as /cgi-bin/banner.pl, mod_perl is getting them
> mixed up, and we end up having the script fail with errors like that all
> kinds of things have been redefined, when they have not.

did you preload Apache::Registry in httpd.conf:

PerlModule Apache::Registry

that is reported to cure this problem.  the cvs version of mod_perl has a
fix so virtualhosts will not confuse Apache::Registry if it isn't

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