Hi all,
trying to set up a new linux box. real vanilla using apaci, everything=1, 
do_httpd=1, etc...

"perl Makefile.PL" gives a bunch of "which: no apxs found" errors. Saw some 
threads about this in the list but none explained why the errors occur and 
how to get rid of them when doing a fresh install.

Make test fails at the "warming up" stage with Error "9". The httpd is 
actually running when the make test fails as I can telnet to port 8529 and 
do a "GET /". However, it returns a 403 permission denied message. I am 
doing all this as root. The server runs as user nobody, group is root, so I 
would think the server should be able to r/w from the test directory.

Should the server be told to run as a different user/group?
I wouldn't think an out of the box vanilla install should bomb like this on 
this platform.
I'm sure this is something simple I'm overlooking, but any help would be 
greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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