Shared pain! Have just been through this.
Sequencing is a little arcane.

Make mod_perl
Install mod_perl
Make Apache
Install Apche
Make test mod_perl.

Mod_perl needs a perl aware Apache.
The additions to the http.conf are stripped out by a perl aware Apache.

I may not have addressed your specific issue, since I have not seen the 
first error message.

At 09:20 PM 4/12/00, Sam Carleton wrote:
>I simply cannot get mod_perl/apache to compile.  My understanding is
>that I configure .makepl_args.mod_perl to compile both mod_perl.  Then I
>do the following:
>perl Makefile.PL
>make test
>make install
>Assuming there where no problems, all should be installed and ready to
>go.  But all is not well.  First some version info.  I just downloaded
>mod_perl-1.22 and apache_1.3.12 and am working with fresh trees.  I run
>the perl Makefile.PL and that seems to work well, I don't see any
>errors.  When I try to run make, I get this error:
># make
>(cd /usr/src/apache_1.3.12 && make)
>make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/apache_1.3.12'
>make[1]: *** No targets.  Stop.
>make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/apache_1.3.12'
>make: *** [apaci_httpd] Error 2
>My understanding is that the `perl Makefile.PL` WILL also run configure
>for apache.  Just to make sure I was not mistaken, I have tried to first
>go into the apache tree and run configure with the same options that are
>in my .makepl_args.mod_perl.  Then run `perl Makefile.PL`, run `make`
>(which works this time), and then run `make test`.  It is `make test`
>that bombs out with this error:
>letting apache warm up...\c
>Syntax error on line 30 of /usr/src/mod_perl-1.22/t/conf/httpd.conf:
>Invalid command '=pod', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
>included in the server configuration
>/usr/local/bin/perl t/TEST 0
>still waiting for server to warm up...............not ok
>server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line
>make: *** [run_tests] Error 111
>Now, there is no 't/logs/error_log' file to examine.  But I did notice
>an error in reading in the the httpd.conf file.  I looked into line 30
>of '/usr/src/mod_perl-1.22/t/conf/httpd.conf' and this is what I found:
>=head1 NAME
>mod_perl test configuration file
>umm, we use this to test mod_perl
>=over to apache
>I am under the impression that the httpd.conf file is the conf file that
>httpd is reading in for the test.  My understanding is that equals is
>not a valid beginning of an apache conf file.
>I have NO CLUE as to what is going on here.  I would truly appreciate it
>if you know anything about this please let me know what is going on.  At
>the bottom you will find my '.makepl_args.mod_perl' and the command line
>options I am using for apache.
># File: .makepl_args.mod_erl
># enable all phase callbacks, API modules and misc features
># tell runtime diagnostics to active if MOD_PERL_TRACE environment
># variable is set at runtime
># tell where the Apache source tree is
># tell Makefile.PL where the Apache is to be isntalled
># disable from compiling Apache
># tell Makefile.PL to use the first source found, which will be the
># path specified above by APACHE_SRC
># tell Makefile.PL to configure Apache using the apaci interface
># tell makefile.PL to configure ssl support, too
># add mod_info, mod_status, mod_usertrack, and mod_unique_id
># additional arguments to give Apache's configure script
># aruments can be delimited by comma and/or specified with multipal
># APACI_ARGS lines
>----------------------apache config script----------------------
>#! /bin/sh
>$ROOT_DIR/apache_1.3.12/configure \
>         --with-layout=/root/apache.config.layout:Sam-Layout \
>         --with-perl=src/modules/perl \
>         --enable-module=most \
>         --server-uid=wwwrun \
>         --server-gid==dosemu \
>         --enable-shared=max
>----------------------apache config script----------------------

Have a great day!

--Robert Monical
--Director of CRM Development

"The Truth is Out There"

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