According to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> Does anyone know of any program which has been developed like this?
> Basically we'd be turning the "module of apache" portion of mod_perl
> into a front end to the "application server" portion of mod_perl that
> would do the actual processing.

This is basically what you get with the 'two-apache' mode.

> It seems quite logical that something
> like this would have been developed, but possibly not.  The seperation
> of the two components seems like it should be done, but there must be
> a reason why no one has done it yet... I'm afraid this reason would be
> the apache module API doesn't lend itself to this.

The reason it hasn't been done in a threaded model is that perl
isn't stable running threaded yet, and based on the history
of making programs thread-safe, I'd expect this to take at
least a few more years.  But, using a non-mod-perl front
end proxy with ProxyPass and RewriteRule directives to hand
off to a mod_perl backend will likely get you a 10-1 reduction
in backend processes and you already know the configuration
syntax for the second instance.

 Les Mikesell

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