Looks good; I'd recommend keeping *.html files on the front-end as
well, since they tend to be static, and also any traditional *.cgi
since they don't need mod_perl's bloat on the fork/exec.

Also, specifying "Port 80" inside each virtual on the back-end is not
necessary, though perhaps setting a new DocumentRoot might make sense.

Perhaps this paragraph:

If your server is configured to run traditional CGI's as well as
mod_perl CGI programs, then it would be beneficial to configure the
front-end server to run the traditional CGI's directly.  This can be
done by altering the C<gif|jpg|png|txt> rewrite rule to add C<|cgi> at
the end, or adding a new rule to handle all C</cgi-bin/*> locations
locally.  Similarly, static HTML pages can be served by the front-end
server by adding C<|html> to the rule.

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.                Khera Communications, Inc.
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Rockville, MD       +1-301-545-6996
PGP & MIME spoken here            http://www.kciLink.com/home/khera/

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