I previously posted a question regarding installing 
mod_perl.  Specifically, when I ran "make test", the script said it started 
the server, then said it was still waiting for the server to warm up, and 
finally died.  I had built mod_perl in a directory within my home 
directory.  The permissions on my home directory itself were 700.  I was 
also building the program as root, probably a bad idea in itself.  At any 
rate, the server ran as root and honored the permissions on my home 
directory; the script interpreted the "Forbidden" error as the server not 
being up, and that produced the message I got.  So if I had either changed 
the permissions on my home directory to 755 or built the package as myself, 
it probably would have worked.  I just changed the permissions and then 
changed them back when done, and that worked fine.


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