On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, Stas Bekman wrote:

> Let's assume that you have two different sets of scripts/code which
> have a little or nothing in common at all (different modules, no base
> code sharing), the basic mod_perl process before the code have been
> loaded of three Mbytes and each code base adds ten Mbytes when
> loaded. Which makes each process 23Mb in size when all the code gets
> loaded.

Can't you share most of that 23mb between the processes by pre-loading 
the scripts/modules in your startup.pl?  I'd say the main advantage of
engineering dissimilar services as if they were on separate servers is
scalability rather than memory use.  When a site outgrows the hardware 
it's on, spreading it out to multiple machines requires a lot less ankle 
grabbing if it was designed that way to begin with. :)

- Matt

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