> > my $realname = 'http://www.main.org';
> > my %vnames = ( 'sec.ondary.com' => 'second', 'third.dom.com' => 'third' );
>      ^^^^^^^
> > foreach (keys %vnames) {
>                 ^^^^^^^
> >     $VirtualHost{''} = {
> >         ServerName => $_,
> >         RedirectPermanent => ( ['/', "$realname/$vname{$_}/index.phtml"] )
>                                                   ^^^^^^

> Maybe this is just in your example, but you might have cut-and-pasted from
> yor config, so I'll mention it: In your RedirectPermanent, you are referencing
> %vname, not %vnames. Without strict turned on in your <Perl> section, Perl 
> won't tell you.

   Yep, I caught this one a few minutes ago (but if I had read my mail earlier,
your message would have saved half of my day. Well, there are times like 

   I'm getting somewhat closer, I think it's now just a matter of understanding
more precisely 'what' should be used as the RedirectPermanent value. This
work just fine now :

my $realname = 'real.domain.com';
my %vnames = ( 'prim.ary.com' => 'first', 'sec.ondary.com' => 'second' );

$VirtualHost{''} = [ { ServerName => $realname } ];
foreach (keys %vnames) {
    my $vhref = {
        ServerName => $_,
        RedirectPermanent => "/ http://$realname/$vnames{$_}/"

    push @{$VirtualHost{''}}, $vhref;

   Whenever I ask for http://prim.ary.com, I get transparently redirected to
http://real.domain.com/first. Cute. Almost there.

   But I have other URLs I want to remap. Say, prim.ary.com/europe should be
mapped to real.domain.com/europe. With the above setup, I am redirected to
real.domain.com/first/europe. So I need now to have _several_ RedirectPermanent
(or anything that could save my whole day -- well, night, it's 23 pm here).
   I have tried a helluva lot of syntaxes, I'm ashamed to say, to no avail. The
right one just escapes me.
   Any hints ?
-- Pierre-Yves BONNETAIN
   CTO -- http://www.rouge-blanc.com  --  Fastest wines in Europe.

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