
I was thrilled when I started using the latest version of DBILogger,
especially when I found that I could set the HTTP_USER programmatically,
so I can log the name of the user with each entry, even though I'm using
CGI database authentication.  Yippee!

My only concern right now is that I would  really like to query the
table for any 500s or 404s that I get, so I can known where a problem
might have been on the site... but the "urlpath" column for 404s is
always /error/404.html and for 500 it's /error/500.html.  Of course it
is, because those are indeed the names of my error pages.

The problem is that I believe Apache is doing it's own internal request
for the static error page and displaying the contents of that page to
the user, in response to the request that they made for some other URL. 
For example, I issue a request for /cgi-bin/foo.pl -- which fails for
some reason.  When I get the Error 500 in my browser I'm seeing the URL
of /cgi-bin/foo.pl, but the actual message that I see, if other than the
Apache default, it the contents of /error/500.html... but I wasn't
actually redirected to the page.  This was some sort of Apache internal
request that it made to process the error.  Am I making any sense?

Anyway, the original URL that was requested is what, in my view, should
be logged in the table for error codes.  Has anybody dealt with this
problem before?  I was going to go into DBILogger and see if I can get
it to log whatever the original request URI was, but figured I wouldn't
reinvent the wheel if somebody has already done this.

John Ingram

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