Checkout the subheading on META and HTTP headers.


At 05:18 PM 4/24/00, Jaime Teng wrote:
>As I am developing WEB Applications with Apache and modperl,
>it came to my attention that there are some pages that I can
>'ALLOW' the browser to cache the pages; I was able to do just
>that with modperl by sending out this HTTP Header from within
>the perl scripts:
>print "Cache-Control: max-age=21600\cM\cJ";
>print "Content-Type: text/html\cM\cJ\cM\cJ";
>But how do I add something similar to static HTML pages?
>On IIS4/5, there is a "CUSTOM HTTP Header" and "Content Expiration"
>Is there a similar setting with Apache?

Jeff Beard
Phone:  303.443.9339
Location:       Boulder, CO, USA

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