I'm a little perl developper, in a little french enterprise, (hexaflux).
I make my period of training and I use an apache server 1.3x. I've got some
problem with my server. It does not allow me to execute system commands in
perl :
"system (chmod 755 file.pl)" and
"open (MYFILE, file.pl ....". I
f I execute my script  by executing the following command :
/usr/bin/perl   /home/httpd/cgi-bin/script.pl,
the file, "file.pl" is created and file.pl has the good permissions and it
works! But if it is executed from the navigator it doesn't works!! I think
that the permisions on the server are not good. But I don't know where to
change the configuration of my server, access.conf, httpd.conf, srm.conf ?
Can you help me, thank you.
PS: sorry for my poor english speaking!

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