well, that's what I thought.  If you are up for some rather lengthy
descriptions of a wierd behavior I can't seem to nail down, read on

Basically, I am using an access handler to set the order of some fixup
handlers based on some rules.  Now, if I use get_handlers to list the
enabled fixup handlers during PerlInit I see that the fixup handlers are
already set, but only sometimes.  
the sometimes is: whenever I access a page that has tons of images, thus
making tons of fast requests (it's a development box, so not heavily hit) so
that each child gets hammered.  run in httpd -X and request each of the page
parts via a browser by hand and it's fine.  running in httpd -X and
requesting the page itself, with the fast hit rate, shows the fixup handlers
set during init for each request except for the first request (until the
server segfaults, that is).

basically, it looks like the server is being allowed to serve additional
requests before some cleanup happens, which probably doesn't make any

I tried to come up with a test script or something, but this is probably too
specific to my setup to be of much use to anyone anyway.  and I guess I
could tune the development box better in re MinSpareServers, etc, but that
doesn't seem to be a real solution (if it's even a real problem)

could this be a cleanup issue, or am I pretty much just nuts?


perl 5.00503
modperl 1.23
apache 1.3.12
RH linux 6.0

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Sergeant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 11:17 AM
> To: Geoffrey Young
> Subject: Re: $r->set_handlers behavior?
> On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> > good morning...
> > 
> > I'm a bit confused about $r->set_handlers and 
> $r->push_handlers behavior.
> > Both are listed in the eagle book as being per-request 
> methods, but man
> > Apache lists them both as server configuration directives.  
> I think, though,
> > that I'm seeing set_handlers as persisting with the child 
> and push_handlers
> > as being per-request.  Personally, I'd rather have 
> set_handlers per-request
> > as well for situations where I want to add a handler but 
> reorder it with the
> > existing ones as well...
> set_handlers is per-request.
> -- 
> <Matt/>
> Fastnet Software Ltd. High Performance Web Specialists
> Providing mod_perl, XML, Sybase and Oracle solutions
> Email for training and consultancy availability.
> http://sergeant.org http://xml.sergeant.org

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