> Right, but the difference with Oops is it's a threaded server, and while I
> couldn't get it to work (the author appears to be Russian, and his idea of
> documentation is "oops.cfg is easy to understand. Just edit it"), it looks
> like it should be extremely quick, even if serving static images from the
> mod_perl httpd, and letting Oops cache them.

Okay, so I'm horrible... I'm going to evangelize something I worked on
:-).  But if you want a good static accelerator you should take a look
at phhttpd.  I know... I'm a Bad Person (tm).  But seriously, the most
recent edition is pretty darn stable... once you figure out how to use
it.  It's faster than khttpd BTW.  There is "fairly good"
documentation DocBook style that's on the website, but it's not
exactly accurate I've found.  Anyhow, if you post to the list for it
it's likely that either I or Zach will answer really quickly.

It's at: people.redhat.com/zab/ , or they'll probably pull that down
at some point in the future since he doesn't work there anymore, drop
me an email since Zach no longer works for RH.  Its just a lightning
speed HTTPD static accelerator.


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