I have several CGI scripts that I am in the process of moving to a new
server using mod_perl and Apache.  The scripts connect to an Oracle database
using the Oraperl module wrapper for DBI and DBD::Oracle.
Basically the scripts display a simple for for user input, this works fine.
When the form is posted the script connects to a database, queries using the
parameters provided, and returns a short report to the user.
The scripts run fine as CGIs, but when I run them under mod_perl I'm not
getting any output from the database after the form is posted.  What's
really strange is that I'm not getting any Oracle errors either.  The return
page has the proper HTML and BODY tags, but no data at all.
I've tried running the script with and without the Apache::DBI module
loaded, but it didn't make any difference.  A check of the perl-status shows
all the appropriate (I think) modules loaded for mob_perl.
I'm stumped!  Any help would be appreciated!
Please CC replies to my email address.   
Thanks in advance!  

Ralph Hughes                     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Systems Engineer                     334-260-3200
Anteon Corp.                            DSN 596-5631
Montgomery, AL


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