Hello everyone,

I have quite a few virtual hosts on my Apache server. I'm trying to 
implement their configuration in PERL sections instead of  the current 
method bunch of <VirtualHost> directives.

I use the "combined" transfer log, previously defined like this:
        TransferLog     /path/to/log    combined

The new method I attempted is like this:
   $VirtualHost{servername} = {
         TransferLog  => "logs/$servername-access_log combined",

However, when I attempt to check the config or start the server, I get the 
following error:

<Perl>: TransferLog takes one argument, the filename of the access log

There isn't a list of variables/structures that I found describing all the 
nuances of <PERL> sections.  Does anyone have any suggestions how I can 
achieve this?


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