On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, James Xie wrote:

> Helllo,
> I recently downloaded Apache_1.3.12 and installed it on Redhat 6.1,
> everything was working fine. I run into problems when I tried to install
> mod_perl-1.23. Everything was compiled ok, but I got error messages (see
> below) when I try to run the make test. I'm new to both Apache and mod_perl,
> thank you for your help in advance. 

> still waiting for server to warm up...............not ok

hmm, what happens if you run:

% make start_httpd
% GET http://localhost:8529/perl/perl-status
% make kill_httpd


you can also get more details on why apache isn't reponding like so:

% make start_httpd
% strace -f -s1024 -o strace.out -p `cat t/logs/httpd.pid`
% make run_tests
% make kill_httpd

have a look at strace.out

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