On Wed, 3 May 2000, Jason C. Leach wrote:

> I'm looking for some good ideas on developing web sites w/ mod_perl.  One
> think we were looking at was to write template HTML pages, and run them
> through a perl prg to replace home made tags w/ data.
> Another was to write an apache mod that will contain/load the HTML on the
> first hit and cach all the pages and gfx (not too much).
> Can anyone comment on some good techniques to develope mod_perl sites?  We
> will need mod_perl to be fast, interact w/ a DB, and run of FreeBSD or
> Linux.

we use the following at boston.com on numerous sites (mp3.boston.com,
www.digitalmass.com, travel.boston.com, ae.boston.com, www.boston.com)
with great success:


this combination makes for a very stable development environment for us.



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