Ime Smits wrote:
> <...>
> <Files *.asp>
>   SetHandler perl-script
>   PerlHandler Apache::ASP
>   PerlSetVar Global /www/data/state
> </Files>
> (change the last directory to some place where your Apache UID can write,
> this is where the session objects are stored)
> Second option, leave your httpd.conf as is, without any Apache::ASP in it,
> just with the "AllowOveride All" as you have it, and put the 5 lines as
> above in the directory where your *.asp scripts are in a file called
> .htaccess. So if your DocumentRoot is '/usr/local/etc/apache/htdocs' and
> your eg directory with examples from Apache:::ASP resides there, save this
> file to '/usr/local/etc/apache/htdocs/eg/.htaccess . Everything in .htaccess
> will automatically apply to the complete directory tree thereunder.

I think Ime has done a good job with the pointers here.  
>From a top level perspective, you must first configure Apache
to use Apache::ASP in the httpd.conf.  This can be done with 
the Files directive, or an AllowOverride All ... then copy over
the site/eg dir from the distribution to your apache doc
root, and hit it with a http URL that corresponds to that
ASP examples directory.

Note that all of the Perl* commands are mod_perl specific, 
but everything else is for configuring Apache, so part of 
the process here is you getting to learn how to configure
the Apache server in general.

The asp site is at and may
be of some use to you.

-- Joshua

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