On Thu, 4 May 2000, Tom Roche wrote:
>> I'm trying to use Devel::Symdump to document code, <snip>
>> Unfortunately Loader, or rather Perl, is having a problem with
>> Apache::DBI.pm. The first source file require's OK. The second
>> source file, GetDBs.pm, use's Apache::DBI(), line 202 of which is

>>> ) if ($INC{'Apache.pm'} and Apache->module('Apache::Status'));

Doug MacEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 5/5/00 6:11:43 PM >>>
> that's because Apache::module is only defined when you're running
> inside httpd. that line should be something like:

> if ($INC{'Apache.pm'} and $ENV{MOD_PERL} and

> to work inside and outside httpd.

Thanks! That fix got me past that problem ... but only to the next
problem. Apparently httpd, mod_perl, etc are doing many things "behind
the scenes" which a "normal" Perl doesn't do (presumably unless told).
E.g. I'm now getting

> Can't locate loadable object for module Apache::Symbol in @INC (@INC
> contains: c:/Perls/ActivePerl522/site/lib/Apache/DBI
> c:/Perls/ActivePerl522/site/lib/Apache c:/Perls/ActivePerl522/lib
> c:/Perls/ActivePerl522/site/lib .) at
> c:/Perls/ActivePerl522/lib/IO/File.pm line 109

despite the fact that Symbol.pm is in
c:/Perls/ActivePerl522/site/lib/Apache, which is in @INC. Which returns
me to the original problem:

What does one need to do to run Devel::Symdump (for documentation
purposes) on code written to run (and running) under mod_perl? I'm
currently running a driver that require's/use's the relevant scripts,
and another driver that calls Symdump on them, under a "normal" Perl
process outside of Apache. If there's a way to run Symdump inside
Apache, I'd appreciate how-to's, or pointers to same.

Can someone provide, or point me to, as comprehensive a list as
possible of what needs to be done?

Please reply directly to me as well as the list/group, and

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