> another great one ive yet to purchase is object oriented perl
> there is some sample chapters 
> online somewhere....
See <http://www.manning.com/Conway/index.html>.

It really is a tremendous book. I thought I knew OO Perl pretty well, but after 
reading Conway's book I realised I'd hardly begun!... Some of the useful techniques 
*  Using closures to create static class data
*  Encapsulation with Pseudo-hashes and 'use fields'
*  Secure encapsulation with SecureHash and the flyweight pattern
*  Auto generating classes with Method::Maker
*  Implementing persistance
*  Inheriting class data
*  Blessing regexps, subs, and globs

I could keep going, but there's a taste... There's a good forum at the attached 
web-site that Conway visits regularly.

  Jeremy Howard

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