Hi Bakki,

I have used mod_perl on a Cobalt Qube.  It ran ok, but I would recommend
getting a lot of memory for it.  The problems I ran into were mostly
related to the Qube not being that great of a development environment.
The Qube is great as a firewall/internet server for a small compnay, but
if you need to run 200 Virtual domains, I would recommend buying some
higher end hardware and learning how to administer it yourself.
For example, the RAQ3 has a AMD K6 200 (equiv to a pentium 200?) and
costs $1500 for a 64MB and smallish harddrive.  For $2300, I put
together a dual PIII 600 machine with 512MB RAM and 20GB disk all in a
2U case.  Shove on FreeBSD or whatever and you have a pretty sweet box.


On Wed, 10 May 2000, Bakki Kudva wrote:

> I would like to hear from anyone who has had some experience with
> mod_perl on Cobalt's Qube2(MIPS RISC) or Raq3 (x86) microservers.
> * How well does this work?
> * Any differences between the Qube & Raq relative to mod_perl?
> * Any caveats?
> * How well does it work for virtual domains?
> * Does it void warranty?
> The Raq3 is supposed to support 200 virtual domains but I am sure it is
> without mod_perl compiled in. What is a practical number of virt domains
> with mod_perl which can be run on this box? I have seen some blurbs
> about unsupported software (ie. anything not shipped with the box)
> voiding Cobalt warranty. Has anyone experienced problems with support
> from Cobalt on mod_perl enabled Qubes?
> Thanks in advance,
> bakki
> -- 
>       _ _
>  .-. |M|S|            Bakki Kudva
>  |D|_|a|y|            Navaco
>  |o|m|n|s|<\          420 Pasadena Drive
>  |c|e|a|t| \\         Erie, PA 16505-1037
>  |u|n|g|e|  \\                http://www.navaco.com/
>  | |T|e|m|   \>       ph: 814-833-2592
> """"""""""""""""""    fax:603-947-5747
> e-Docs

Andrew  Wyllie       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            Open Source Integrator
v.206.729.7439              __We can catify or stringify,
c.206.851.9876                    separately or together!__ perl-5.005_03

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