On Mon, 15 May 2000, Jay Jacobs wrote:

> I've been reading over the guide on "Efficient Work with Databases under
> mod_perl" and there's one thing I don't quite grok about it.  Let's say I
> have a site that goes through select statements like water.  If I were to
> cache the statement handler (as described in the guide), how does the
> database (database dependant) handle a bunch of dangling statement
> handlers?  Will the database process size grow a ton?  I'm not sure if I'm
> hitting what I wanted to ask, but hopefully I'm close enough.

Every statement handle that you leave open will consume resources on the
database server, and also on the client side.  These resources are
presumed to be more plentiful than the resources (CPU time and network
packets) needed to frequently setup and teardown statement handles.


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