According to the apache documentation, the custom log directive %s logs
the status of the original request. Isn't that 500 in this case? It says
500 when I telnet to the server.
I don't quite understand your explanation. Can you give more details?
When I have a regular ErrorDocument directive that points to a simple cgi
script or a static html page, it logs the correct status code also. Are
you saying in this case the actual response is a 200? If it is, how/where
did that get set ?
On Wed, 17 May 2000, James G Smith wrote:
> Nancy Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Hi
> >
> >In the mod_perl eagle book, there's a section on writing customer error
> >handler (pg 173-174). The example has two scripts. The first one
> >, basically returns a 500 status code and names as the
> >custom error handler.
> >
> >I notice that if I take out the line:
> > $r-custom_response(SERVER_ERROR, "/Carp");
> >and put in httpd.conf
> > ErrorDocument 500 /Carp
> >
> >it'll work too (verified by telnet'ing to port). However, the access_log
> >file will log a 500 status for the original code and a 200 status for the
> >other. Why is that?
> The log appears to log the status code of the actual response made to the
> browser. If the response is done via the ErrorDocument, the server is only
> serving an alternate document, which usually succeeds. The custom_response
> would not alter the already set status code for the request. This is only
> speculation on my part based on what I have seen on my own servers.