On Wed, 17 May 2000, Doug MacEachern wrote:

> because query string data isn't part of a 'form' either
> :)  client_data?

actually a large part of the time it is. for instance,
search engines - most, if not all, are implemented with
forms, but because they are using get instead of post, their
data is delivered in the query string.

see section 17.3 of the HTML 4.01 spec

  'The "get" method should be used when the form is
  idempotent (i.e., causes no side-effects). Many database
  searches have no visible side-effects and make ideal
  applications for the "get" method.'

a non-form-based request containing query string information
is really just the degenerate form of a form-based request.

i also was going to suggest form_data() but somebody beat me
to it. client_data() is more questionable, imo, cos (at
least to me) it implies that the data comes from the content
body of a post request.

btw, see the above reference if you are still wondering
where 'HTML form' is defined :)

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