>>>>> "Gunther" == Gunther Birznieks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Gunther> This first criteria seems a tad odd to me. What business
    Gunther> scenario is there for this?

    Gunther> To me, when a user issues an update they expect that the
    Gunther> record exists. In a way, if the record does NOT exist, then
    Gunther> you are really going against your rule #2. That is, if they
    Gunther> issue an update and the record no longer exists, then that
    Gunther> is also a change to the record that someone did (a
    Gunther> deletion) and you are effectively overriding someone elses
    Gunther> deletion.

The framework is to support an intranet time tracking application.  The
business rules of the system dictate there are no deletions of
previously submitted time ... only inserts/updates.  Therefore I can say
without question that an existing time record will *always* exist (a
modify), albeit in a potentially 'dirty' state (rule #2).

Furthermore, if a particular time period has not been accounted for,
i.e. no time record has been previously submitted, a default time
record will be presented for modification, and subsequent submission (an
insert).  This is seamless to the client requesting the period.  If
there is no default time record available, then a 0-hour time record is
presented for modification/submission (also an insert).

    Gunther> An application which implements #2 and is accelerated when
    Gunther> used with mod_perl (Apache::Registry) and Apache::DBI is
    Gunther> our latest version of WebDB.  You may download a copy at
    Gunther> http://www.extropia.com/ and click on download button at
    Gunther> the top upper right)...

Thank you for the pointer.  I will *gleefully* investigate its

    | Hope this helps,
    |                      Gunther

I'll let you know ...


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