>Sitting here trying to get 1.24 to compile with VC6,
>but keep getting stuck with the following linking error;
>    <mod_perl.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
>the symbol responsible for the error is in a condition at mod_perl.c line
mod_perl.c ---------------------------------------------------------------
>735:    perl_tainting_set(s, cls->PerlTaintCheck);
>736:   (void)GvSV_init("Apache::__SendHeader");
>737:   (void)GvSV_init("Apache::__CurrentCallback");
>738:    if (ap_configtestonly)
>739:        GvSV_setiv(GvSV_init("Apache::Server::ConfigTestOnly"), TRUE);
>741:    Apache__ServerReStarting(FALSE); /* just for -w */
>742:    Apache__ServerStarting_on();
>however, if I comment out this condition ( 738 / 739) the compile passes
with 0 warnings.
>Looking at the version 1.22 of mod_perl.c, this condition was not present.
>Libs:    Perl 5.00503 / Apache 1.3.12
>Am I missing something here, or can consider my build ok ?

This snippet was added recently but apparently ap_configtestonly is not
exported in the Apache Windows DLL. Your build is ok, I'll fix this for
the next mod_perl version


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