has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/J/JS/JSWARTZ/HTML-Mason-0.86.tar.gz
  size: 258867 bytes
  md5: 12faa995f62c4e76b2e14637c9f5eaca

Mason is a component-based web site development system with caching,
debugging, and previewing facilities.  Check out
for more information.

Changes in 0.86:

  - Fixed multiple-<%perl>-section infinite loop bug introduced in 0.85.
  - (Re-)Fixed Apache hang on POST not-found bug.
  - Added $m->scall_method, analagous to $m->scomp. (suggested by Michael
  - When using mod_perl args method, $r is upgraded to Apache::Request object.
    (suggested by Matt Hoskins)
  - Documented attr, methods, and flags in Component.pod.
  - Improved error msg for <%def> or <%method> lacking name.
  - Improved error msg for using invalid embedded tag in def or
    method. (submitted by Dave Rolsky)
  - Eliminated reliance on hash ordering in tests.
  - Changed test scripts to create separate data dirs for each test
    branch and clear data dir at start of test.
  - Added mixed case and repeated sections to <%perl> tests.
  - ** Removed mod_perl specific $m->http_input; can no longer be
  - Fixed args processing loop to allow multiple file uploads.
    (submitted by Matt Hoskins)

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