I don't see a problem with this but maybe I'm missing your point. :)

If PerlSendHeader is set to "On", you don't have to send a header in your 
program. If you want to retain control of when the header is sent, set 
PerlSendHeader to "Off" and do it yourself.


At 12:53 AM 5/14/00, David E. Weekly wrote:
>Hello all. I've looked in various mod_perl FAQs but haven't seen the
>answer to what seems to be a (minor) bug in Apache::Registry.
>It seems that when PerlSendHeader is On if I haven't yet done a
>print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
>but I want to print a comment into the weblog by doing a
>print STDERR "I got value $value.\n"
>It seem Apache::Registry will go ahead and print out the default
>headers, causing my "Content-type: text/html" to show up ad verbatim
>on the rendered page: not the desired effect!
>While I understand that it would make sense for Apache::Registry
>to print out the headers if I start spewing out text to STDOUT,
>it is, IMHO, not a good behavior for it to do the same when I write
>Has this been reported like a kajillion times (in which case someone
>will politely reach their virtual hand out and smack me upside the
>head) or is this a sufficiently out-of-the-way sort of error that
>people haven't reported it yet? At any rate, I'd just be tickled
>pink if someone fixed it.
>         Yours,
>         David Weekly

Jeff Beard
Web:            www.cyberxape.com
Email:          jeff at cyberxape.com
Location:       Boulder, CO, USA

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