Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:
> On Wed, 24 May 2000, John M Vinopal wrote:
> > ...
> > CGI::Carp preloaded.
> > DBI preloaded.
> >
> > [Wed May 24 19:58:28 2000] [error] PerlRun: `Bizarre copy of HASH in aassign
> > at /usr5/perl/lib/5.6.0/Carp/ line 79.
> >
> > Prototype mismatch: sub 
>Apache::ROOT::cgi_2dbin::adtaker::get_username::SQL_INTEGER vs () at 
>/usr5/perl/lib/5.6.0/ line 57.
> >  at /usr5/caps_prod/scripts/adtaker/get_username line 6
> >
> > where SQL_INTEGER is imported via
> > use DBI qw(SQL_INTEGER);
> >
> > Anyone else seen these?
> Is anyone else using Perl 5.6.0?

As I mentioned in the message I sent you, Jeff (intended for the whole
list, sorry), I installed 5.6.0 yesterday along with some modules I
downloaded for a particular project.  I immediately started getting the
following complaint:

   Prototype mismatch: sub IO::Handle::blocking ($;$) vs none at   
   /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/LWP/Conn/ line 43.

from the following script:

   use LWP::Conn::_Connect;

I've been able to at least suppress the complaint by adding a line to to check the version of IO::Handle (I have 1.21) and not run
the hack at the top of the file which is commented as being unnecessary
after IO::Handle 1.18.

I've sent a message and patch to the author of LWPng (Gisle Aas), which is part of, asking him to verify whether this fixes or only
masks the problem.  I'll be glad to make my patch available, but it
might be better to wait for Gisle to incorporate it (or something even
better :) into LWPng.


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