On Wed, 24 May 2000, Mark Hewis wrote:

> As far as I have tested under Apache::Registry the following commands have
> the following effect
> 1) CORE::exit -> restart all child processes for that server ( a little too
> drastic for me)

that shouldn't happen.  it should only kill the kid it was called from.

> 2) exit -> exit code but leave state of all modules the same
> What am am really after is an exit which just restarts the child process (it
> is called in) resetting all module globals any suggestions?

exit(-2) will do a graceful exit of the child (unlike CORE::exit), after
logging the transaction is done and connection is closed.

> On a related topic in a given module
> BEGIN{} seems to be called only on child initialisation while
> END{} is called at the end of each processed request
> This seems a little inconsistant why is this? Can this behaviour be changed?
> Because of this
> close_everything() in END{} in BerkeleyDB.pm is called after each request
> destroying any ties or environments open which for me is not good.

see mod_perl.pod and chapter 9 of the eagle book for BEGIN/END details.
the solution for you would be to load BerkeleyDB at startup, in which
case, END is not called until the child exits.

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