On Wed, 24 May 2000, Drew Taylor wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm having a serious, but intermittent, problem with my Apache::Registry
> scripts. I have 2 (soon to be more!) site running on the same physical
> server. Each site is driven by a set of short perl-script scripts. The
> scripts execute code in OO modules that are shared among all servers.
> The scripts are identical between all sites except for the following:
> (index.pl)
> my $SITENAME = 'cloudstock';
> my $SITEID = 1;
> OR
> my $SITENAME = 'wiredstock';
> my $SITEID = 2;
> (all others in /cgi-bin)
> my $search = eLogix::Search->new($CGI, 'cloudstock', 1);
> $search->blah
> OR
> my $search = eLogix::Search->new($CGI, 'wiredstock', 2);
> $search->blah
> The part that changes is the 'cloudstock' and '1'. However, I
> occasionally (and not reliably) get a page from cloudstock.com using the
> wiredstock.com scripts! On some debugging, I can verify that when this
> happens the script has the wrong values. It seems that apache is
> confused and sometimes serves the wrong script for the given domain!

sounds like the 'variable won't stay shared' problem, see

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