At 9:10 AM -0700 5/29/2000, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:
>On Mon, 29 May 2000, Michael Blakeley wrote:
>>  Patch for Apache::Session::Store::Postgres, from
>>  Apache-Session-1.51.tar.gz, to resolve problems with
>>  >prepare_cached(SELECT a_session FROM sessions WHERE id = ? FOR
>>  >UPDATE) statement handle DBI::st=HASH(0x369a2c) is still active
>>  after a transient error. The solution is to call sth->finish()
>>  whether the SELECT was successful or not.
>>  diff Store/ Store/
>>  78a79,81
>>  >        # success or failure, don't leave FOR UPDATE lying around
>>  >      $self->{materialize_sth}->finish;
>>  >
>>  83,84d85
>>  <     $self->{materialize_sth}->finish;
>>  <
>Hrmm, I'm not really an expert here.  If I do a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE on a
>row that doesn't exist, shouldn't that just do nothing?

I'm no expert either - but I believe that the problem is the 
"unfinished" sth hanging around in DBI or DBD::Pg, rather than any 
results or lack thereof. Note that the error comes from 
DBI::prepare_cached(), not from the postgres backend. One _could_ 
regard this as a DBD::Pg bug, if it's not present in other DBD 
modules... but what's wrong with the fix above?

According to perldoc DBD::Pg, the prepare/execute thing is fairly 
pointless in Postgres anyway. PG doesn't know prepared statements 
from /dev/null, so you might as well just selectall_arrayref every 
time. I've done some benchmarks that show a very slight improvement 
in some cases (possibly due to state maintained by DBD::Pg), but it's 
less than 10%.

>To squash this warning, we could just as easily use the allow_active flag
>in the prepare method.

True, but the above seems cleaner to me. Isn't dying and leaving 
unfinished statement handles a bit untidy, like leaving unclosed 
database handles, or unclosed file handles? It's a potential memory 
leak as well, isn't it?

It's not a warning, BTW - for my Apache::Session application, it's 
fatal. I've had to patch all previous versions of Apache::Session in 
a similar way (somewhere you may have an older email from me on this 
subject). The fix originally came from someone else, but I can't find 
my notes at the moment to give proper credit.

-- Mike

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